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Dehydrating Fruit in Air Fryer

Dehydrating Fruit in Air Fryer

Marco Bianchi
Using your air fryer to dehydrate fruit is a convenient and efficient way to preserve the natural sweetness and flavors of your favorite fruits. Whether you're making healthy snacks for on-the-go or adding dried fruit to your recipes, this method yields perfectly dehydrated fruit with minimal effort. Follow this simple recipe to create delicious and nutritious dehydrated fruit using your air fryer.
Prep Time 4 minutes
Total Time 4 minutes
Course Snack
Cuisine Various


  • Assorted fruits of your choice such as apples, bananas, strawberries, mangoes, etc.


Step-by-Step Instructions:

    Prepare the Fruit:

    • Wash and dry the fruits thoroughly.
    • Peel the fruits if desired, and remove any stems, seeds, or cores.
    • Slice the fruits into uniform slices or pieces, approximately 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick. This ensures even drying.

    Preheat the Air Fryer:

    • Preheat your air fryer to the lowest temperature setting available. Most air fryers have a dehydrate function or a temperature setting of around 130-140°F (55-60°C).

    Arrange the Fruit in the Air Fryer Basket:

    • Arrange the sliced fruit in a single layer in the air fryer basket or on the dehydrating tray. Make sure the pieces are not touching or overlapping to allow for proper airflow and even drying.

    Dehydrate the Fruit:

    • Place the fruit-filled air fryer basket or dehydrating tray in the preheated air fryer.
    • Dehydrate the fruit at the lowest temperature setting for 2-4 hours, depending on the type of fruit and desired dryness. Check the fruit periodically and rotate the trays if necessary for even drying.

    Check for Doneness:

    • The fruit is done when it is dry to the touch and has a leathery texture. It should bend without breaking.
    • Some fruits may take longer to dehydrate fully, so continue dehydrating as needed until they reach the desired consistency.

    Cool and Store:

    • Once the fruit is fully dehydrated, remove it from the air fryer and let it cool completely.
    • Store the dehydrated fruit in an airtight container or resealable bags at room temperature. Properly dried fruit can last for several weeks to months when stored in a cool, dry place.

    Enjoy Your Dehydrated Fruit:

    • Enjoy the dehydrated fruit as a healthy snack, add it to cereal, oatmeal, or trail mix, or use it as a flavorful topping for yogurt or desserts.



    • Uniform Slicing: Try to slice the fruit into uniform thickness to ensure even drying.
    • Patience: Dehydrating fruit takes time, so be patient and allow the process to complete for the best results.
    • Experiment: Feel free to experiment with different fruits and flavor combinations to create your favorite dried fruit snacks.

    Enjoy Your Homemade Dehydrated Fruit!

    With your air fryer, you can easily make delicious and nutritious dehydrated fruit at home. Whether enjoyed as a snack on its own or used as an ingredient in your favorite recipes, homemade dehydrated fruit is a versatile and flavorful addition to your pantry. So grab your favorite fruits and start dehydrating!
    Keyword Dehydrating Fruit in Air Fryer