Troubleshooting the Air Fryer

Air fryers declare as the essential kitchen appliance as it is the ultimate healthy way of cooking your everyday meals. Air Fryer produces delicious meals in a shorter time and with less oil as  Baked oats. But sometimes, like all other kitchen gadgets, the appliance shows some errors and problems which you have to get over immediately. You can learn proper ways to troubleshoot air fryer at home rather than spending money and going to the company support. Some basic rules and tricks can help you to fix the air fryer problems at home and you can do it effortlessly if you know the correct rules. People find it very frustrating when the appliance is not working properly and you are hurrying to prepare your meals.

There could be different types of problems and issues with your air fryer like  restart button of air fryer is not working and Putting metal in an air fryer. You have to learn and fix each one of these and only then your appliance will start working properly again. The problems that can happen may include, the air fryer not heating properly,  the food sticking to the bottom and getting burnt, uneven cooking of food, and unpleasant odour. These few are the most common and major air fryer problems. Others may also include the air fryer not turning on and the air fryer smoking. All of these problems need to be fixed with the right method and you will be amazed when you find yourself able to do it at home.

In case you have tried all the tricks and the air fryer is still not working properly, then you should contact the support for help. The professionals can fix your problems but you have to spend money on it. But as an air fryer is such a beneficial appliance and you cannot do your meals without it, all the money spent is worth it.

Troubleshooting the Air Fryer

The Air Fryer not Turning ON

The most common problem with the air fryer is air fryer not turning on. In this case, you have to check several air fryer elements one by one to find out the actual cause. First of all, check the air fryer power cord if it Is damaged at some point. Try to put it in a different socket to check where the problem is. Then check the fuse and ensure you have turned on the power switch. Checking out the power supply should be the point of your attention. Moreover, when the air fryer basket is not properly fixed it usually does not turn on. Check all the error codes written on the air fryer manual. The air fryers usually come with a digital display and it will provide you with the error codes to fix your air fryer problems.

Air Fryer Not Heating up Properly

Sometimes even after setting the suitable temperature air fryer does not heat up properly. Therefore, when there is no proper heat food remains uncooked or gets an uneven texture. Therefore, you have to troubleshoot this problem by checking out the heating element. You have to make sure that you have placed the appliance on a plane and flat surface like the chicken shelf. Whenever the air fryer basket is not fix properly inside and the lid is not fully close it does not get properly heated. Through the digital display, you should check out the temperature settings. For the heating element inspection, you should contact the manufacturer or the professionals. You cannot do it at home as it is quite complex and should done professionally.

Troubleshooting the Air Fryer

Food Getting Stick and Burnt in Air Fryer Basket

The food starts getting stuck to the air fryer basket and cannot easily remove. The taste will spoil and the texture of the air fryer basket as well. The use of a small quantity of oil or the cooking spray would be great to avoid the sticking of food. Preheating the air fryer and shaking the basket during the cooking are essential steps every time you are preparing your meal in the air fryer.

Smoke and Unpleasant Odour

Sometimes, the air fryer starts smoking and unpleasant odour when you have not cleaned and maintained it properly. When there piled fats and oil closer to the heating element, it starts giving excessive smoke. Start cleaning your air fryer after every use. Make sure to clean both the air fryer basket and the tray pan. In case the bad odour continues, then you should boil a bowl of water in the air fryer and make sure to put some lemon slices into it. This will highly help to eradicate all the remaining slices.

Uneven Cooking and Uneven Texture

Even if there is no proper heating of the air fryer or no smooth flow of hot air it will result in uneven cooked and uneven texture of food. Some parts of the food get overcook while others remain raw and uncook. This is such a major problem as you are unable to prepare your meals in the air fryer. Therefore, you must ensure that the food spread in a single layer in the air fryer basket. There should be enough air space even after stuffing the basket. You can divide the food into batches and cook it in smaller quantities. You can also use air fryer racks to get over the problem.

Error Message Alerts

Most of the modern air fryers send you air messages whenever it is not working properly. These error messages are the error codes for different types of malfunctions in the air fryer. You should consult the air fryer manual to understand which type of error is happening and how to resolve it. Finally, even after trying your best you are unable to resolve the issue, then do contact the air fryer manufacturer or any other electronics professional. He will definitely help you save your device just by putting in some effort and tricks. Once your air fryer  fixed, you can start making your favorite meals again and can have fun.

Read more about    Fuse in air fryer, Conclusive Guide about Air Fryer Sizes, Safety Tips on Can You Put Paper Towels in Air Fryer , air fryer explosions


Why is my air fryer not turning on?

If your air fryer isn’t turning on, first check if it’s properly plugged in and the outlet is functioning. Also, ensure that the basket is correctly inserted, as some models require this for the unit to power on. If these steps don’t work, the fuse or power cord may be faulty and require professional repair or replacement.

Why is my air fryer not heating up?

If your air fryer isn’t heating up, check to see if the preheat function selected (if your model has one). Ensure that the temperature  set correctly and that the timer activated. If the problem persists, it could be an issue with the heating element, which may need professional inspection or replacement.

Why does my air fryer have a burning smell?

A burning smell can result from leftover food particles or oil in the basket or tray. Clean the air fryer thoroughly to remove any residues. If the smell persists, there might an issue with the heating element or internal components, which should inspect by a professional.

How do I fix an air fryer that’s not preheating properly?

If your air fryer isn’t preheating properly, make sure the temperature and time settings are correctly set. Ensure that the basket is securely place , as some models won’t start heating without it. If the problem continues, the thermostat or heating element might be faulty.

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